Class of 2021 | Seniors Strong

While we are continuing to wrap up the Seniors Strong | Class of 2020 stories, we are also beginning to dig into Senior photos and stories for the Class of 2021. As I am working with this new class of Seniors it occurs to me that the Class of 2021 may be struck even harder than the Class of 2020. As hard as it was for 2020 to lose many rites of passage most American teens look forward to as Spring-Term Seniors, the impact is real that the Class of 2021 will likely lose a whole lot more. The spirit weeks, football games, homecoming, dances, and all the traditions of being a high school student – where the majority of these things occur in the fall months – are all at real risk of not occuring. This is not unique to Maine students, but to students in other parts of the United States that may not return to in-person learning at all this school year.

Megan, a Senior at Radnor High School in Radnor, Pennsylvania, is one of these students who very well may miss out on being in school with her friends this school year. In fact, that is one of her greatest concerns as the new school year approaches. As a Junior, Megan missed her friends most and learned how beneficial in-school learning really is. At Radnor she participates in Crew and Action Earth Club and notes that she really misses being on a team already.

For her senior year she is most looking forward to Senior Prom and Senior Assassins (a super fun ongoing water-gun fight among the senior class) but these are just a few of the events that this year's seniors face missing out on should their schools not reopen this fall. LM Week (Spirit week leading up to the oldest public high school rivalry football game in the country!) is what she is afraid of missing most, as well as the school spirit of all the students and staff.

As for life after high school, Megan is hoping to go to college. Her campus tour was canceled this past spring due the the pandemic, and the future for all college students is still uncertain, and ever-changing. She will continue to persist and succeed with whatever this school year throws at her, I am sure, but it will be a more difficult and less secure road to travel.
Here's To You, Megan! To your Senior year - I know you will make the most of every situation and find the fun wherever you can. Keep working hard and smiling!
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